Friday 20 November 2015

A Crazy New Adventure!

Blogging has been a dream of mine for a long time and I always admired other who had the time and patience to dedicate to writing their blog.

I have currently finished sitting my HSC in Australia and found I have had quite a bit of free time on my hands to do more and explore more which meant my mind drifted back to blogging again!

So now I am sitting down and writing my first official blog post!

I am really excited to commit to this journey, as there have been many failed attempts in the past.  Now, I have the availability to fully commit myself to the world of blogging! I am looking forward to sharing my ideas on all things beauty, fashion, travel and lifestyle!

I thought it would be a good idea to give you a little information about me and what I like to do and maybe some of you can relate and maybe want to come back!!

Name: Emma Louise (Louise is my middle name) 
Age: 17 almost 18
Location: I am in Sydney, Australia
Passion: I live for makeup, it is my passion and joy.  I also love fashion, food and adventure and want to share that with you all!

It is still very early days and I'm not expecting too much but I would love comments, feedback and ideas!

Hope to see you all again very soon!
Emma Louise

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